
The University of Milan holds a relevant archival, library, instrumental, artistic, architectural, archaeological, and paleontological heritage of considerable historical interest; it also owns a significant system of scientific and technological knowledge regarding cultural heritage. The wealth of knowledge and skills covers the entire cultural heritage chain. The Cultural Heritage Center (CRC) represents the different areas of the university interested in cultural heritage, promoting collaboration with other institutions and simplifying the relationship with clients and funding actors.

The Cultural Heritage Center (CRC) of the University of Milan brings together interdisciplinary expertise regarding:

  • the study and the characterization of materials of archaeological, historical, and artistic interest;
  • the diagnostics and monitoring for the conservation and protection of cultural heritage;
  • innovative tools for cataloging and building digital multimedia archives;
  • management of collections, museums, and cultural sites;
  • strategies for the enhancement, use, and dissemination of tangible and intangible heritage.

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general informations


The new official website of the Coordinating Research Center for Cultural Heritage is online, with updates on the composition of the center and on the most recent projects and a...

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